The Burning Age (Fight For The Crown Book 1) Page 9
Julia boarded the train, already knowing as she craned her neck to scan each corner that there would not be any seats open. Instead, she settled for a hand-hold on the pole near the back wall. But her surroundings ceased to bother her as she stared off into the distance and let her thoughts roam. She looked at the houses she passed and imagined what type of people lived there. The train line ran at the back of the houses giving Julia a view of the garden. Some gardens had washing hanging up; others had kids’ toys. Some gardens were overgrown like a mini jungle. It was a little daydream game Julia liked to play when she didn't have a book or paper to read. Soon the passing gardens and motion of the train made her eyes heavy.
Julia fought to keep her eyes open, scared that she would miss her stop. Even after six years of riding the same train back and forth to work, she was still afraid that she would fall asleep and ride until the train reached the end of the line.
The mechanical voice announced the train’s next stop, and that was enough to wake Julia. She elbowed her way to the front door and stood with the other people who always got off at this stop. Julia didn’t smile at them or really register their presence. They all mutually existed without communicating.
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